Called “a miracle of clarity,” the Niyodo River boasts the finest water quality of any river in Japan. The Niyodo flows through Ehime and Kochi prefectures in Shikoku, its nickname “Niyodo blue” given because of its outstanding clarity and blue-hued water. There are scenic spots worth visiting along the full course of the river from its upstream to downstream, but the part of the Niyodo watershed to experience the blueness most impressively is at the Yasui Ravine. The gorge is surrounded by 1,287 ha of virgin forest and has a number of sightseeing spots including Mikaeri Falls and Hiryu Falls. Of these, the most symbolic sight of Niyodo blue is Suishobuchi, which is as beautiful as its name suggests (suisho means “crystal”). The water is so pellucid, the bottom is clearly visible even from a distance. Another magic sight is the majestic Nakatsu Ravine, formed from the erosion of rock by the river over millennia. Enjoy a walk through the awe-inspiring sights of the gorge, Uryu Falls and Ishibashira stone pillars. The best time to glimpse Niyodo blue is autumn and winter. The river takes a green tinge in other seasons and is still a beautiful sight.(This information is as of December 2017)
It is recommended to visit the ravine between 11am and 2pm when the sun is shining
Chinkabashi (sinking) bridges designed to be sunk during swollenness
Uryu Falls
Delight your sweet tooth as you take a rest to admire the Niyodo River. Drop in to the Kochi Ice Shop and try their Tosa Jiro Rich Soft Ice Cream (350 yen), using premium eggs from the local Tosa Jiro breed of chickens. Any travel fatigue will melt away to the sound of flowing waters and a pleasant breeze. Try a dessert that pays tribute to Japanese tea at the Ikegawachaen Kobo Cafe, which is ran by a tea plantation. The view from the patio of Niyodo River winding through fields of tea promotes the deliciousness of it.
The Chabatake parfait is 850 yen. The Ikegawa district is Shikoku’s premier tea-producing area
Premium chabatake pudding, 378 yen.