31 October 2017
[ Next Trip ] launched

Next Trip is a web media platform presenting the highlights of western Japan, particularly the Chugoku and Shikoku regions.

The charms of Japan do not end with the major metropolises and tourist magnets of Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto.
We are convinced that the “real Japan” that so many travelers seek can be found in local regions not far outside the big cities.
Next Trip details unmissable experiences in western Japan from local magazine editors passionate about sharing their intimate knowledge of the region. It also features trip reports from foreign writers on their exploration of the region’s many attractions.
Waiting for you here are sites of spectacular beauty created over the ages, local delicacies sourced from the abundant mountains and seas, traditional crafts passed down through generations of artisans, and historic heritage sites that connect the past to the future. Waiting here are views of the true Japan, animated by the local people going about their lives.
We are delighted to share the largely undiscovered charms of the roads less traveled in the Chugoku and Shikoku regions through Next Trip.
Go West! Discover the Wonders off Japan’s Beaten Track on Your Next Trip.
May your Next Trip be one to treasure.
-Next Trip Editorial Department