You can enjoy authentic and affordable teppanyaki (griddled foods) including Chiya Beef, high grade Japanese beef from Okayama, and Okayama-brand “Peach Pork” at this restaurant, which is popular among international visitors. Their superb cuisine is finished with fantastic work on the teppan, the metal griddle. One popular dish is the takoyaki (balls of batter with octopus), which have been made in the same way since the founding of the restaurant, but whatever dish you choose will be cooked after you’ve ordered, and we recommend the counter seating where you can enjoy watching your food being made. Let yourself be intoxicated by the craftsmanship while holding a glass of wine carefully selected by the sommelier in one hand. There are staff able to communicate in English here, so you can relax and enjoy.(This information is as of June 2019)
Appetizer Combination Platter (3 appetizers) for one: from 500 yen. The dishes differ depending on the day
The Omakase Salad S Size, allowing you to savor 10 types of vegetable, is 680 yen
This restaurant began as a takoyaki stand. Their takoyaki with sauce for 648 yen has not changed since their founding, and they also offer an abundance of novelties, such as takoyaki margherita
Chiya Beef A-5 Round Steak 100 g: 3,218 yen. Wine (glass): from 648 yen
The brilliantly-smiling staff are able to communicate in English.