You are panting as you climb a precipitous mountain path, when a stone wall on the mountainside suddenly catches your eye. Its astonishing scale and the meticulousness of its construction instantly make you forget just how tired you felt just moments before. Bicchu Matsuyama Castle is truly a castle in the sky. The spectacle of the castle in the morning enveloped in a sea of clouds is beyond compare. The castle is sited near the summit of Mt.Gagyu (430 meters above sea level). Work began on its construction in the 13th century and by the 16th century it had become a massive fortress. There is an observation deck located around 30 minutes’ drive away, which, from spring to autumn, is thronged with people with cameras hoping to take panoramic photos of the castle enveloped in a sea of clouds.(This information is as of November 2017)
Observation deck from which you can gain a panoramic view of Bitchu Matsuyama Castle